Ep: 109 David Caperton

David Caperton

Dave Caperton speaks and writes about the benefits of a joyful mindset and the power of one person to effect cultural change with small actions that meet emotional needs, build trust and lead to more individual happiness and less stress. He has presented for over 800  business, healthcare, education and government organizations across the US and Canada. Before beginning his business as a speaker, executive coach and performance consultant, Dave was an award-winning educator and also wrote and performed stand-up comedy.
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Show Notes:

  • David’s number one habit is knowing that you tend to get what you focus on.
    • Know the power of words.
    • You change your words, you change your world.
  • David shared a story about mindset change involving his dad solving a traffic jam by:
    • Staying off the brake.
    • And making room for others.
  • The lesson is that you’re not always going to get thanked for what you do. People might even think you’re part of the problem.
    • Sometimes people unfairly benefit from a solution. Don’t let it stop you.
  • Leadership starts where you are.
    • Use what you have. Do what you can.
  • The most effective thing you can do to take action is to check your focus.
    • If you’re not getting what you want out of your work, it might be partly because your focus isn’t where it should be.
    • We sometimes try to solve every problem without focusing on the positive and the possibilities.
  • Words shape our reality. Perception is our reality.
  • Humor gives us a choice. We can reframe our reality with it.
    • It’s a choice to choose humor over anger, and it can help you de-stress by finding a little bit of the absurd in your situation.
  • Be mindful of your humor.
    • Use it like a permit.
    • You have to be part of a group to make jokes about that group.
  • Humor helps us cope.
  • Using humor effectively and making yourself the butt of the joke can build trust and connections with others.
  • Humor has a direction. You can aim it up at those in power, but it must NEVER be aimed down at those who have less power.
    • Ask yourself if your humor needs a victim. If it does, reconsider.

David Caperton’s Recharge Round

  1. Share with us how you believe your mindset affects your life? You’re going to perceive what you receive. If you want to change your mindset, change what you receive.
  2. What do you do daily to bring Energy into your life? He sits down and has coffee with his wife. It’s the small pleasures in life that we pay attention to.
  3. Share the number one connection that has made the biggest impact on your life? The connection with a public speaker who gave Dave the opportunity to be a public speaker too.
  4. What advice has Influenced you the most in your life? “You are more powerful than you think because you can start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.
  5. Recommend a book and share why you love it?  How Full is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales and A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  6. Define in one sentence or less, what legacy you want to leave on the world?  He wants to make people laugh and think and make a difference.





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