Ep: 118 Jeff Schechter

FREE Webinar: 10 Ways to Stay

Positive in this Uncertain Time

Jeff SchechterJeff Schechter, aka “Shecky” has had the entrepreneurial bug his entire life. He started his first business right out of college, and over the years has been involved in numerous business ventures. His love for real estate investing began in the 1980s when he rehabbed 5 of his own residences before the term “house-hacking” even existed.

Since those early days of torn up kitchens and bathrooms, he’s bought and sold many properties and is an active investor to this day. In addition to investing, he operates a private consulting practice. He thrives on helping people realize their full potential…not just in business and investing, but in all aspects of life.

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Show Notes:

  • Jeff’s 3 biggest habits are:
    • He keeps his body moving.
    • He has a mindset of gratitude.
    • He maintains relationships with positive people.
  • What is the mindset of the people you hang out with?
    • Their mindset rubs off on you.
  • Think holistically.
    • There are many important parts of life to attend to.
  • You have to think of the long term.
    • Take it slow and be conservative with your approach.
  • You have to have a plan for what you’ll do with your business.
  • Jeff has a joy in tweaking things and making them better,
    • Each small tweak is like adjusting a cog in a machine. Changing small things can have a big impact.
    • You can always improve on things.
  • Jeff gets satisfaction from seeing a successful deal go through.
  • Look at what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
  • We get to choose how things happen to us.
  • Just slow down.
  • Jeff says that it’s important not to social distance, but to physically distance at this time.
    • Make sure that you’re still reaching out to friends and talking to people.
  • What kind of investor do you want to be?

Jeff Schechter’s Recharge Round

  1. Share with us how you believe your mindset affects your life? Jeff is positive and thinks that “this too shall pass.” He makes sure to examine if what he’s doing is serving him.
  2. What do you do daily to bring Energy into your life? Jeff does yoga, takes walks, and takes breaks to get more energy.
  3. Share the number one connection that has made the biggest impact on your life? His biggest connection is his current business partner.
  4. What advice has Influenced you the most in your life? “Don’t be hard on yourself. Stay focused, and be gentle with people.”
  5. Recommend a book and share why you love it? The ONE Thing by Gary Kellar and Jay Papasan
  6. Define in one sentence or less, what legacy you want to leave on the world? Jeff wants to help people elevate their spirit, their energy, and their consciousness so that they can be more connected to their own divinity.


Gary’s 10 Ways to Stay Positive Webinar: https://bit.ly/GaryWilbers-10WaysPositive




Check out Jeff’s website at highreturnrealestate.com!

Order your copy of Positive Culture Wins HERE!

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